Acne, Squeezing, Blackheads, Whiteheads, Papules, Pustules, Pimple, Cyst, Non-prescribe Treatment, Drugs for Pimple, Prevention of Acne.
Pimple is the worst part of almost everyone’s life. but have you wonder, why do we get these pimples or acne?
If this question is ever arises in your mind maybe these questions also arise such What are blackheads and whiteheads? are the same as a pimple? what is severe acne?
Exactly this, we are going to discuss in this article read this completely. we are gonna find How can we get rid of this curse naturally? and what are the causes of the pimple?
Cause of Pimples
Our body is covered with the pore (hair follicle) and within the follicle, there is a gland which produces the oily substance which keeps your hair and body moisturized.
If pores get blocked with the oils and dead cells, but sebum continues to produce and trapped within the follicles and it becomes enlarged.
Bacteria starts feeding on the dead skin and sebum lead to infection.
Our immune system responds to process by sending blood to this area which gives inflammation and appearance and redness.
White blood cells also come to this site to clear up the infection and white blood cells died. Dead white blood cells combined with dead skin and sebum create a pus-filled pimple.
If the blockage is under the skin then it creates a white bump known as a “white head” and if the blockage is above the skin and black discoloration occurs it’s known as “blackhead”.
Blackhead is the result of the melanin in the dead skin reacting with the oxygen create the black color.
We get pimples mostly when we are teen due to the increased amount of androgen hormones like testosterone.
Testosterone increased the production of the sebum which increases the chances of the blockage.
But it can occur at any time such as by stressful events.
Cortisol, which is the stress hormone, increases the amount of inflammation in the body and which can also decrease the ability of the immune system to fight with bacteria which causing pimple.
Cause of Acne vulgaris
Acne is a skin disease which consists of blemishes. It can occur on your face, chest, back, and shoulder.
Acne is very common during teenage but it can during adulthood as well.
The sebaceous gland, which is just under skin keeps your hair and skin well lubricated.
This oily substance called sebum which prevents our hair and skin from drying out.
Sebum comes out through the hair follicle of the skin. Our hair follicle continuously sheds dead cells.
When our body produces extra sebum then dead skin cells stick together and clog the follicles.
Which resulting skin blemishes. Then bacteria which already exist on your skin can develop in the clogged pore which can lead to inflammation.
Inflammation can appear as whiteheads which are clogged follicle and have no contact to air.
Blackheads which are clogged follicle and come contact with air and turn into black.
Pustules which also called pimples these are inflamed follicles clogged with pus.
Cyst these are larger painful, pus-filled lumps going under deep. This cause when the infection goes into the deepest layer of the skin.
Hormonal changes, especially when the rise in testosterone can lead to overproduction of sebum that’s why acne occurs during the teen years. But it can occur at any age.
Risk factors of Pimple
- Genetics
- Certain medication
- Bacteria
How to get rid out of a pimple without squeezing?
When you pop your pimple it, letting the pus out from a pimple. But you can do this in another way as well, such as using
1. Tea oil.
Check here Tea oil
It is a very strong antibacterial and easily kills all the bacteria inside a zit.
- Wash your face beforehand.
- Apply a tea tree oil on Q-tip
- Gently put directly onto a pimple.
- Leave it overnight.
2. Onion
Onion can also be helpful in this case because it contains a microbial substance
- Take a thick slice of onion.
- Apply directly to your zit.
- Leave it for 10 minutes.
3. Aspirin
Check here Aspirin
Aspirin can also help you to remove a pimple from your face. It reduces swelling and redness.
- Crush 3 aspirin tablets.
- Mix it with a few drops of water.
- The directive applies to your pimple and leaves it for 10 minutes.
Noninflammatory acne type
Non-inflammatory pimples are two types of blackhead ad whiteheads.
Blackheads are the black-colored small spot which may appear as slightly raised bumps. Blackheads are whiteheads which widen and opened and contents are exposed to air
There are many gels, moisturizers, toners, rinses, and creams are available, that can treat blackheads
How get rid of blackheads naturally?
4. Lemon juice
Lemon is very useful in removing dead skin and get to dealing with clogged follicles.
- Wash your face
- Take a teaspoon of lemon juice
- Dip a cotton ball in it.
- And directly apply it to your blackheads.
- Leave it for 10 minutes and wash your face with cold water.
Check here Lemon Juice
5. Green tea
Green tea can also give you the desired result. It contains lots of antioxidants which control the excess oil
- You can drink it
- Rinse your face with it.
- Put tea bags over your blackheads.
Check here Green tea
Especially for your nose
Blackheads can appear on any parts of your face, but most common part is on your nose.
6. Salt and lemon
- One tablespoon of sea salt.
- Half of tablespoon of lemon juice.
- One tablespoon of water.
- Mix all these ingredients in a bowl.
- Apply on black spots for 2-3 minutes (try to apply in a circular motion)
- Let it dry for 15 minutes and clean with warm water and after that again wash your water with cold water.
- Apply moisturizer after that.
This mask is not suitable for sensitive and dry skin. So don’t go crazy with it. If your skin is sensitive and dry you can try this
7. Lemon juice, oat milk, and plain yogurt
It will do the same job as above will do.
- Take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal.
- 3 tablespoons of yogurt.
- Juice of half of the lemon.
- Mix all and apply to your nose or face and leave it for 10 minutes.
- Wash your face with water and apply moisturizer.
Repeat this one time a week you will see amazing result.
8. Milk and honey
- Take one tablespoon of raw honey.
- Take one tablespoon of milk.
- Mix them. Put the mixture in the microwave for 15 seconds.
- Stir well and mix them well. The mixture shouldn’t be hot.
- Apply the warm mixture to your nose and pad a cotton strip gently. Leave it on your nose for 20 minutes. Wash your nose with cold water.
9. Honey and cinnamon
- One teaspoon of honey
- One teaspoon of cinnamon powder
- Mix them and apply to your nose and pat a strip over it
- Leave it for 10 minutes and wash your face with cold water
These are closed comedones which are flesh-colored bumps. Inflammation can appear as whiteheads which are clogged follicles and have no contact with air. You just need to clean these pours.
whiteheads generally don’t do scarring.
How to get rid of whiteheads naturally?
10. Aloe Vera and lemon juice
This one of the best remedy to clean your skin
- Aloe Vera gel (you can scoop aloe Vera gel from the aloe leaf)
- One teaspoon of lemon juice.
- And carefully mix them
- Massage your face with this for 2-3 minutes
- Leave it for a maximum of 10 minutes and clean your face with water after that. You should do it at least once a week.
Check here Aloe vera gel and Lemon juice
11. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is one of the best remedies to treat your whitehead. It will not only clean your skin but also moisturize your skin.
- Massage your face.
- Leave it for a couple of hours and overnight.
Check here Coconut oil
Recommended for you
- 8 Home Remedies to get rid of acne scars and dark spot fast
- 7 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Pimples as Fast as Possible
- 7 Best Ways to Reduce the Redness of the Pimple
Inflammatory acne types
These are more severe than non-Inflammatory acne. these are mainly four types.
How to get rid of Papules?
Papules are usually pink, red and brown. These are inflamed pimples without any pus and visible substance in it.
12. Apple cider vinegar
Naturally, remove excess oil and kill all the bacteria on your skin.1. Mix apple cider vinegar with water in 1:3 proportion.
- Using a cotton ball apply it to your skin
- Leave it for 10 minutes.
- Wash your face with water and apply moisturizer.
check here Apple cider vinegar
13. Yogurt and honey face mask
It has a tightening effect on your skin and clean your skin without over-drying it.
- One tablespoon of yogurt.
- One tablespoon of honey.
- Mix it and apply it to your face.
- It will dry off after 20 minutes.
- Scrub it to remove all of your dead cells.
- Wash your face with water. Repeat this every week.
You will completely get rid of the papules.
How to get rid of pustules?
Another common acne form is pustules. It is an informed bulb which contains pus. It can form on your other part of your body as well. There are several ways to deal with pustules.
14. Ginger juice
It may be difficult to believe, but ginger not only can be used to pustules. But also have a wonderful effect on your health in general. It also kills the bacteria inside.
- Make pure ginger juice.
- Drink it
Check here Ginger Juice
15. Mint mask
It will soften your skin and controls the oiliness
- Crush a couple of leaves of mint.
- Squeeze it and extract juice from it.
- Apply it on your skin.
- 4. Leave it for 10 minutes. and clean your face with cold water.
How to get rid of nodules?
It is a small swelling that is painful when it touch. It occurs when already clogged pores grow larger due to some kind of irritation.
It is a much more serious situation than others which need a different type of treatment. But you can try these remedies which can help you improve these conditions.
16. Drink herbal tea
You can drink herbal tea for example Bamboo tea. It prevents the further growth of nodules and lessens the size of nodules which is already existing.
Check here herbal tea
17. Mask (honey and green tea mask)
Different type of mask is also can help you to get rid of nodules. One of the best is honey and green tea mask.
- Two teaspoons of honey.
- One cup of green tea.
- Combine these ingredients
- Apply it for 15 minutes and wash it away with cold water.
check here Green tea and honey
You can do these things only on a minor level. You should not do anything on a major level. because it is a serious condition.
How to get rid of cysts?
It is the largest form of acne. The main reason for the appearance of these is an infection in the pores.
These are situated on the deeper level of the skin deeper than nodules. In this case, you have to go to the doctor and if you have a severe case of cysts doctor may remove it with surgically.
You can use this remedy and can make the situation a bit better.
18. Use essential oil
Use essential oil, especially lavender. Apply a couple of drops to the damaged area.
If you are dealing with a different type of skin problem, then you can have a different type of acne at the same time.
If you are the case of severe acne then you should take products in which these ingredients are active.
Check here essential oil
These are some non-prescribe treatments for acne.
19. Soap
You can wash your face with good soap which can help to prevent acne in the future, but don’t go crazy with it because too much washing your face can injure skin which can cause redness.
20. Benzoyl peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide can be used for mild acne. Your doctor may or may recommend it for you.
But this can be used to kill bacteria, remove excess oil and remove dead cells. It takes at least four weeks to work and it should be continuously used.
It can cause dry skin and also can bleach fabrics. So you should take care when you are applying this to your face.
Check here benzoyle peroxide
21. Salicylic acid
This helps to minimize the abnormal shedding of cells. These are also used to cure mild acne.
It will help to unclog the pores and prevent the acne in the future. It doesn’t kill bacteria and has no effect on sebum production.
When you stop using it, its effects also stop and pores start to clog again.
It slows down the loss of skin cells and prevents the clogged pores. It may break down whiteheads and blackheads.
check here salicylic acid
22. Hydroxy acid
Hydroxy acid helps to remove the dead skin and reduces the inflammation and help the kicks the growth of new and smoother skin.
check here Hydroxy acid
23. Sulfur
It is used in combination with another substance such as salicylic acid. Sulfur is mostly used in acne medication. Sulfur removes the excess oil and removes the dead skin cells. But it isn’t used alone due to its unpleasant smell.
Check here sulfur
24. Retinol gel
It affects the growth of the cells. It increases cell growth to unblock the pores. So your acne will look worse before getting better. You have to use it for 10-12 weeks to get a better result.
check here Retinol gel
25. Acetone and alcohol
Acetone can remove oils from the surface of the skin and alcohol is a mild bacterial agent. These can be mixed with some other acne drug. These drugs have very little or no effect on your Acne.
Check here Acetone
Drug for Acne or pimple.
These are some strong drug you should follow the direction for use. If these products are not effective, your doctor may prescribe the stronger prescription
26. Vitamin A
These drugs can be taken orally and topically. Topical retinoid is used to cure moderate to severe acne.
These can be used with the combination of benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics. Topical retinoid has no major side effects, however systemic aren’t recommended for the pregnant women.
Isotretinoin is most effective for cystic acne. It often clears severe acne, which hasn’t responded to other treatment.
However, it has side effects and should never be given to pregnant women. You should always take this with the doctor’s advice. Never take without doctor recommendation.
Vitamin A reduces the dead skin in your pores.
Check here Vitamin A
27. Topical and systemic Antibiotics
These can be taken orally or on top of the skin. Antibiotics kill the which are associated with acne and reduce the inflammation. Topical bits are available in creams, pads, creams, lotion, and foams. Topical antibiotics are limited in their ability to penetrate the deep skin.
But systematic can cause side effects than topical because they circulate throughout the body.
Topical clindamycin and erythromycin are anti-inflammatory drugs and very effective against the bacteria which are associated with acne. These are always combined with the topical retinoid or benzoyl peroxide. You shouldn’t use this during pregnancy.
check here clindamycin and erythromycin
28. Spironolactone
Spironolactone is an oral drug which can block the action of the skin oil’s gland. This drug is not proven by FDA for acne. But this can be useful for women who have acne around the time of menopause.
Check here Spironolactone
29. Azelaic acid
It is a topical drug which comes in creams and gels and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Check here Azelaic acid
30. Laser treatment
Laser treatment is used to treat moderate to severe acne. This method considers safe and more effective. In this method, the light beam is used to clear the acne. However, this method is not used alone some medicines are used with this.
How to prevent acne?
1. Keep face clean
You should wash your face at least twice a day, whether you have acne or not because it will remove extra oil and dead skin from your face.
Don’t go crazy with that because washing your face more than twice can cause harm than good.
Wash your face with lukewarm water not with hot water and apply moisturizer after that.
2. Use sunscreen
Ultraviolet ray can cause redness and inflammation and cause dark discoloration. Some skins are more sensitive to sunlight. Use SPF 30 or 6% zinc oxide sunscreen.
3. You should know your skin type
You should know your skin type because this can help what kind of treatment you should take. Oily skin is is more prone to pimples. It’s caused by the sebaceous glands producing too much oil.
4. Don’t pop your pimple
You should never pop your pimple if you get. Popping a pimple can cause bleeding, infection and scarring. It may also increase inflammation.
5. Avoid touches pimple
You should never touch a pimple. Your finger contains bacteria which can boost infection and condition can be worse. So, no more squeezing and scratching the pimple.
If you ask me what I exactly want to say in this article, I will say, in your life at some point there are 90% of chances that you will get pimples.
You can get pimple by a bacterial infection, genetics, certain medications, etc.
But you should never pop your pimple and they will go away with time. You can prevent these pimples by making simple lifestyle changes.
But if you get these pimples or acne you can treat them at home by simple methods such as the mask, green tea, sunscreen, milk, and honey, etc.
[expand title=”Source”]
Wikipedia “Pimple”
NCBI “High dose nicotinamide in the treatment of necrobiosis lipoidica”
NCBI “Effects of topical clindamycin on intestinal microflora in patients with acne.”
Healthline “How to prevent pimples” [/expand]