Lifestyle causes obesity more than your genes do – study

A study shows that obesity linked to a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet than gene.

Studies show that obviously genes play an important role in getting extra pounds but more than that obesity depends on diet, exercise and sedentary lifestyle.

Genetics can cause wider girth but unhealthy lifestyles can result in higher rate of weight gain researcher reported in a peer-reviewed medical journal.

People who have a body mass index over 30 are higher risk of heart attack, diabetes, stroke and cancer.

In mid 1970s about 4% of people had a BMI higher than 30. By 2016, it had risen to 15% according to the WHO.

Half of the people in the study were divided into five groups depending upon their susceptibility to obesity.

Comparing two groups are at extremes, researchers found that35 years old men with genetics which is favor in weight gain were already heavier than men with the same age group without these genes at that time.
