“Burm-out” is now officially a medical condition – according to the World health organization

Burn-out like is a result of long-term and unresolvable job stress. Burnout can be characterized as a set of symptoms that includes exhaustion from excessive work demands and physical symptoms such as sleeplessness and headaches, closed thinking and quickness to anger.

Now the world health organization has first time recognized “burn-out” as a medical condition. Now, burn-out is a medical condition. In ICD-11 ( International Classification of Diseases of 11 revision), the WHO handbook that guides medical providers in diagnosis disease.

In the handbook, there are guidelines if someone with burnout symptoms such as

  • Exhaustion or feeling depletion of energy
  • Mental distance from their job or feeling of negativism
  • Reduced efficiency.

Before checking any symptoms of burnout, the document says doctors should rule out anxiety and mood disorders as well as an adjustment disorder. Burnout phenomenon refers to in the specific occupational context and should not be applied to describe in other aspects of life.

Researchers have been studying bun-out for many decades but burn-out has not to be defined specifically that all scientist can agree on.

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A scientific article published in 1974,  by Psychologist Herbert Freudenberger is credited with inaugurating the formal study of the state of burnout. After that over the next four decades, hundreds of study appeared on that subject. During that time, burnout is considered as actual mental disorder even though it is the most common mental health disorder in today’s society.

What is burnout? It signs and symptoms.

burn -out is special work-related stress, emotional exhaustion or a state of physical exhaustion involving a sense of reduced loss of personal identity. While frustration and stress is the main cause of burn-out and depression can trigger the burnout.

  • Not like to go to a job
  • Lack of interest what you doing
  • Concentration problem.
  • Fatigue.
  • Low productivity etc.

How to manage job burn out

If your experiencing burn-out, it is important to take action otherwise it can have a bad effect on your health such as excessive stress, insomnia, heart disease, diabetes, etc.

These things you can do on your own.

  • Speak to your supervisor.
  • Seek out for support and working in collaboration might help.
  • Doing yoga and meditation can relax you physically and mentally.
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet that is high in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, etc.
  • Get enough night sleep so that your body can restore.

This article includes general information should not construct as professional advice.